Meetup SpainClouds: GitFlow & GitOps plus LABS Jenkins X y Kubernetes

First virtual Meetup of SpainClouds

At the end of last month we had the chance to participate in the first virtual meetup by

About 200 people registered at the meeting participated in an open session of experiences about ingress controller, backup systems for k8 and attended the speech that we, from Geko Cloud, gave about GitFlow and how to generate dynamic volatile environments using the GitOps philosophy through one of the trendiest CICD tools on the scene like jenkinsX.

The truth is that it was our first experience in a virtual meetup with the Zoom platform and I have to tell you that I’m more than satisfied with the user experience as a speaker and with all the functionalities that this tool provides for this type of events such as control, recording, etc. Without a doubt, it won’t be the last time that we use it, above all to provide training or open events, as is the case.

These types of initiatives are fantastic for exchanging experiences in very different environments with platforms that until now were considered high-risk due to their complexity and the risk with the support involved as they are tools generated by the contribution of the community.

In this case, our value as a company is focused on two fundamental principles:

  1. Advertise the full range of solutions to our clients for each specific case.
  2. Give 24X7 support of these applications and apply the deployments taking the best practices that we know and share with the rest of the community.

GitFlow and GitOPS – The “speech”

In the speech we basically talk about the GitFlow framework and workflows as well as in which environments it is recommended, its advantages, limitations and some recommendations that you may be interested in.

The interesting part in our case as DevOps and Cloud experts, is to see how to generate volatile dynamic environments with GitOps to test features “on the fly” and see how to integrate with CICD the releases to staging and production environments with automatic flows and providing transparency.

For the Lab’s we’ve prepared:

  • GitFlow CLI Demo
  • 1 Kubernetes cluster in Google cloud
  • JenkinsX connected to a GitHub repository with a Flask application in Python
  • Generation of a PR in Git that automatically starts a dynamic test environment and writes the volatile url in the same Git Hub PR

Speech Video

If your company has challenges like this or others with which we can collaborate, contact us at [email protected] and “Feel the Geko Way”

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