Cloud and
devops training
Cloud and devops training
Our training program brings you custom courses adapted to your company needs in order to teach your teams for your specific needs and provide new skills and capacity that impact directly in your business productivity.
Our training programs:

Amazon Web Services
- Fundamentals
- Architecting
- SysOps
- Network and Security
- Operations and SRE

Google Cloud Platform
- Fundamentals
- Architecting
- SysOps
- Network and Security
- Operations and SRE

Microsoft Azure
- Fundamentals
- Architecting
- DevOps
- Cosmos DB

Kubernetes and Microservices
- Kubernetes Fundamentals
- Security and control

DevOps Tools
- Jenkins and Jenins X
- Spinnaker
- Terraform
- Ansible
- GitFlow
- ...

Custom training for your needs
- Custom Pipelines
- Monitoring Platfrom
- Logs Platform
- ElasticSearch
- Cloud SDK
- ...
Our Method
- Training for little or big groups
- Hands on and labs oriented
- Prepare your teams for real environments
- Geko offices (Barcelona) / customer side
- Prepare your group certification
- Bring specific custom skills to your team
- Create new roles in your organization
- Certify your acquired knowledge